Saturday, November 24, 2007
Next Phase of Life...
O Level that differentiates you to JC and Poly is gone.
A Level that provides you the 'passport' to enter varsity has been obtained.
NS that hinders your education has been broken.
So what is next?
This choice in going to which course will be a headache for people, like me, who does not have a single idea of what he will become in the future.
A simple family, a comfortable house, a nice car and a stable income.
Every jobs can provide this? And do you like it?
Government, be it uniformed or teaching? Finance industry? Banking industry? Research works? Where can I go?
This is a big headache, especially because I do not want to start thinking about it.
Who can tell me which route to take?
Monday, November 5, 2007
All of our are furnished with choices and opportunities in life. We are gifted with thoughts and self-conscious. But why aren't we using them? Why some turns to alcoholic, cigarette, drugs to numb their senses to escapre reality. It's because we are not prepared for reality, or simply we do not know reality.
Many said that education in Singapore is sheltering kids from the outside world, the real world. I beg to differ. Decisions have to been made to proceed to the next level of education, who does not choose which universities courses to go to, who does not choose whether to enter JC or poly and who does not choose which subject combinations after their secondary two examinations. All these choices impart on the reality we create ten to twenty years down the road.
For instance, the choice of stuyding medicine is opened to all. We can choose to be a doctor if we start preparing during secondary school and JC and make it a reality. But why some said they are not provided this choice. It is because they have not prepared for this reality of being a doctor. If preparation was made and this long-term goal was perceived, this reality will not be a big hurdle for anyone.
Anything that is considered in everyday's life can be used to numb us and distract our focus to pursue this ideal reality that we want. In today's world, we are living in a comfort zone that we do not want to move out from. If from young every decisions you made are from your parents or from 'someone' high up, you will worry when you really decide and turn to people for help and advice. I say, take the challenge and take the risk. It is your life. Whatever you do, you are responsibile for it and it is your decision that paints your life story.
A picture of distorted lines with no feelings or a picture of abstract arts? Is only differ whether training and planning are inside this process.
In my perspective, only moving from our comfort zone and add abit of planning, then we can truly move out from sorrow and despair and find the motivation and drive to succeed in life and find a better tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
A Simple Life
Everyone hopes to have a simple life, it is especially common to hear people hear this phrase out when they are stressed out. Be it during their tests, examinations, presentations and soon for us, ranking results. On the journey towards success and greater height, we question on our roots for these rewards, and doubts our direction on why do we need to take such a tough route when there is a simple one. But what is an ideal 'simple life' and does it really means heaven to everyone?
Do we consider the lifes of farmers to be simple. Yes, they do not need to work commercially. All they need is to farm, rear animals as well as enjoy music and dance with their family. They are sufficient and have their needs met. Is this the life that people considered simple? A life that is 'unstressless'. To some, the answer is yes. That is why some gave up their citizenship and migrated to greener pasture elsewhere. But, in my opinion, one thing they should consider in this proposal is whether do you think you will be happy.
What is the link here? Shouldn't a simple life be a happy life? To me, no. Why? Let me just share my experience as a person that has a relatively simple life, a life of a farmer placed in context of an urbanised built-up. I am self-sufficient in some organisation now. Free food, free lounging, free clothing and freedom of movement and time, only occassional bout of stress. But my life in this organisation is totally cut out from my own personal life, but do not intersect each other if represented in a venn diagram. To me, a self-sufficient life where you no need to worry about your needs is considered a simple life. Like what I have been through for the past one year. But am I happy? Am I happy just making sure that I am still alive to witness the next day? No, one thing that me, having a simple life, does not possess is a goal in life, a purpose in life.
Name me one animal that has a simple life, Dodo bird. It does have a simple life on the little island of Mauritius. They do not need to worry about their food, as seen from the fat and clumsy pictures of these birds. They do not need to worry about predators, and hence do not need to develop any escaping mechanism to aid their evasion from predators. With these simple life they have, they are easily wiped out and now, as we know, they are extinct.
I do not meant that a simple life will die early. Or farmers being extinct. We, humans, thrive to these days because we never stop improving ourselves. We always trive to be the best. This is the primitive instinct that everyone has: drive to compete and succeed. And this brings back the point on why we are always asking for a simple life while fighting for a good life. It is this cognitive property that drives this contradiction.
Hence, does that means that we will never enjoy a simple life. I will not give an absoulte answer. But it can only be enjoyed if you are able to live a life of being stagnant.
Rollar coasters and other entertainment gadgets in Disneyland and theme parks. These places are able to generate revenues because of our inert abilitiy to want to try something exciting. This brings us achievements that we are able to accomplish something. Hence, it is natural that everyone will want to build up a good record of achievements for himself so as to better survive in this urbanised environment. In the midst of doing so, we tend to resist these and solidify it as obstacles. Same principle as Le Chatelier's Principle in Chemistry.
But we all need to understand our purpose of achieveing this and a clear goal in mind. No point doing things for the sake of others or going through the motion. With a clear vision of your future life, we can work backward in formulating the techniques and goals you will achieve. With this personal workplan, one will not complain of being stressed out as this serves as a source of motivation that drives you to achive it as it leads to a big goal in life, the ideal life.
To some, an ideal life might meant a life that I done many good deeds, earned alot of money or simply have alot of wives. In the process of doing so, there is bound to be obstacles and challenges. With a strong vision and purpose in life, these obstacles and challenges will not hinder much in your attempt to reach the ultimate scenerio that you envisioned.
It is imperative that a proper reflection and though of your life to be done. It is never too late to do this as we have control over our life at any point of time. Is a matter of determination and motivation in wanting to achieve this dream that drives us forward. Humans are emotional creatures. We works toward an ideal life and desire for a simple life.
Friday, September 14, 2007
it is this feeling that i must say really SUX!!! make me feel the 'un-me'.. i have been telling myself.. dun be a pussy.. find you... what are you waiting for....
but it is that difficult to find that you that have been lost, forgotton in the past.. the you with self-motivation... the you with drive.. hw can you lost him???
someone this feeling drives another source of motivation : hatred.. and this powers the engine.. and hopefully one day, the output can be used on a group that deserve what they should.. and what they deserve...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Standard Chartered Singaproe Marathon 07

The registration fee: $75.00.....
Ex right.. What to do... Coz we signed up late... Or else we would have save $20 bucks....
But hope that this is not my last run and also not the worst run I have ever went through..
I only can hope...
86 days to it...
All the way!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Mascot of the House
Commend on his hard work and undying effort of entertaining people of all ages and sexes. Well Done!
The concept for this Open House is clear and achieved: to connect and to increase awareness.
Rather than informing the public on what they have, they allow them to see, feel and try. Live firing, riding military hardwares and holding onto operational weapons. These are stuffs that you can't try in your everyday live. Best thing is, you can take photos with all these without being charged under SAF GOM of no phototaking of sensitive items and places.
I would say well done to the organisers for their efforts and creativity, balancing both feasibility and safety. However, crowd control can be improved in terms of managing long queues and doing something to booths with many people.
Friday, August 31, 2007
21km : 2h 02min 34.34s
Wa lau.. didn't know can run so fast.
Good thing is I broke my own record and set the standard. The bad thing is, how am I going to maintain or even improve this timing... Die sia.. But this is for the me next year to ponder about.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Check Point...
But after it, you realised that you had overcome something that you thought at that point of time you will not finish it or will not want to do it again. Funny human nature we all possessed.
Like a marathon, one should divide segment of the period you dread, settling intermediate goal and checkpoint. There's how people used to count their date to ORD.
Though 67 days seemed short, time really crawls at this point of time where you hoped that it will just speed up and go all the way down to less than 10 days. But too bad, it just won't happen.
Hence, the next date I'm looking forward is the 8th Sept where my understudy(ies) will commission and got to see them on 11th Sept. When this date arrives, Hehe..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
21.1km Run of your Life...
The feeling??
Unlimited amount of satisfaction.
Will not forget this 2hours of run...
The slope of Benjamin Sheares Bridge... The long and straight East Coast Park.. And the feeling of staring at the 20km placecard which gives you the extra strength to complete the entire run...
Next Stop: 2nd Dec...
Will it be deja vu?

Thursday, August 23, 2007
No school, No homeworks, No exam, No timetable, No CCA, No result...
It is also unlike training in the army...
No exercise, No training programme, No pressure...
What is missing?
Tried setting goal... AHM, Diving, SCM, Class 3, Class 2B...
But no motivation... Not much drive to accomplish them... And no hurry to finish them...
Hope to find the motivation, discipline and 'seriousness' that I lost....
But how?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Perservance bears fruit?
Can perservance bears fruit? I do agree that it is able to in certain area like this....

It does required us to perservance all the long, daunting, exhausting training in order for us to make it like what we are at that point of time. When I think back about the training, I doubt I am able to withstand it with the current attitude I have.
But does the above statement applies for all cases throughout our life? In my opinion, one area which it is unlikely to be true is in relationship.
Seriously, I questioned on how does relationship develops? Is it based on a few intrinsic and extrinsic factors? Is it based on the time and enivornment? Or before I answer these questions can relationship be judged rationally and logically?
Is always these questions that gave people the headache and people wasting time poundering on this matter. That is why parents like to say, "You are still young, don't get involved into relationship, study hard and be useful".
But why do I think this cannot be applied onto relationship? From many couples, relationship starts from a few reasons.
1. physically attracted
2. presence of 'feeling'
3. fate
Can perservance changes a person's physical look? Can perservance causes the development of 'feeling' and can perservance causes the forming of fate?
Only the second point is questionable and the rest are definately no, less you are considering of plastic surgery or being Bruce Almighty and start changing people's life.
It is this 'feeling' that is present in most/majority of couples that cannot be explained rationally or logically and I doubt anyone can defined explictly what it is and how it develops.
That is why some people felt that this gap gives chance for perservance to be the fuel to start sparks in couples.
But I strongly believe that it will not bear fruit. My reason is simple. If perservance does make you love a person, do you love him just because you get used to him/her or is it you are rewarding, feeling of guilt, what he/she has done for you.
Either way, if relationship starts, it will not like long.
Maybe perservance does bear fruit, as shown in Honour and Passion, where love is 'cultivated' by a mixture of perservance (never give up spirit) and a little of luck and fate. So is it better to just let nature takes it course rather than having a rational mind judging everything?
Love is magical.
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007
1. People that likes to push things at the last minutes and expect it to be done like you are superman.
2. People who seems to help you solve a problem like your team member, but in the end brought you more shit.
3. People that pull you to his commitment and then just abandon you.
4. People that wants you to feel the suffering and mood of his demise.
5. People who likes to talk big and gets NOTHING done.
If you belongs to anyone of these people, please bother to reflect and think of your life and I believe it is time to do so. Also, help to contribute to make everyone happy or at least not troubles to others. Really appreciate alot if you can at least attempt to do so..
This brings me to the next point on leadership....
A leader who can show you what is our objectives and aims (the minimum)
A leader who will support you all the way and help to pick you up when you are down.... (ideal leader)
A leader who will expect the ideal set-up with him going down to the ground and helping out... (as of now, my CO fits this description.)
A leader who will expect the ideal set-up but not go down to the ground, not helping and thinking all of us are super warriors. (F**ked up person who does not deserve the rank and also does not deserve to be up there)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Random Photos....
Monday, July 30, 2007
One point of view to look at Love...
Since I'm so bored, why dun I try to write they way ZC writes his blog in a very chiam way to express his emo thoughts.. So, pls giv me ur comments to see hw i fare with him....
Love??? What is it... Or what are they?? Platonic love; Familial love; In this post, I am targeting love btw partners that we(at my age) commonly see and some might even got the chance to experience...
I can't define the love that was a/m coz both parties achieve different goals in the relationship...
Let look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs....

So where do you think you achieve in a relationship.. For the males, Esteem? Love/Belonging/ or the basic physiological needs of sex.
What separates friends from very good friends from a couple? Talk more? Able to share more stories? Being happy with that person? Or plainly just able to hold her hand and do something to her..
Though this is a very negative perspective of seeing the mechanism of a relationship, but can someone tells me what love is??
How can a partner be something called a soulmate to you? What special characterisitics does it possesses that appears different from others?
Almost all the questions above cannot be answered in a logical and rational way because like a common saying, love is never rational. It cannot be explained in a very systematics way and feelings and emotions cannot be controlled and overrulled by laws and rules written and proved by some Great Guys..
Maybe someday someone will bring me an answer....
This post is purly for sharing and of personal opinion and in no way intentionally discriminating any specific groups of people.
Monday Blue.....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
A day with S.H.E.
Woke up early in the morning just to get into queue and helping Mr. ZC to book his place....
Surprisely, the time past quite fast with all the shits that come out from our mouths...
Soon, it's time to queue and start moving to get closer and closer to what we are queueing for the past four hours....
Luckily. ZC agreed to take a photo with me up there getting the autograph.. thnx man!!!
You will no believed how it feels to shake hand with three of them... WoW!!!
The feeling cannot be unexplained...
Haiz.. Wonder when is the next time this can happen...
First is the DJ Pei Fen, then is the actress Felicia.. S.H.E is today... Who's next??
A photo of Hebe looking at me when signing the album...
Virgin Post
A blog for me to voice out my stupid comments and also for me to release my emo feelings...
If the above suits you, pls still tune for me next post..
If not....
Pls kindly press alt F4....