Since I'm so bored, why dun I try to write they way ZC writes his blog in a very chiam way to express his emo thoughts.. So, pls giv me ur comments to see hw i fare with him....
Love??? What is it... Or what are they?? Platonic love; Familial love; In this post, I am targeting love btw partners that we(at my age) commonly see and some might even got the chance to experience...
I can't define the love that was a/m coz both parties achieve different goals in the relationship...
Let look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs....

So where do you think you achieve in a relationship.. For the males, Esteem? Love/Belonging/ or the basic physiological needs of sex.
What separates friends from very good friends from a couple? Talk more? Able to share more stories? Being happy with that person? Or plainly just able to hold her hand and do something to her..
Though this is a very negative perspective of seeing the mechanism of a relationship, but can someone tells me what love is??
How can a partner be something called a soulmate to you? What special characterisitics does it possesses that appears different from others?
Almost all the questions above cannot be answered in a logical and rational way because like a common saying, love is never rational. It cannot be explained in a very systematics way and feelings and emotions cannot be controlled and overrulled by laws and rules written and proved by some Great Guys..
Maybe someday someone will bring me an answer....
This post is purly for sharing and of personal opinion and in no way intentionally discriminating any specific groups of people.
a failed attempt to act zc.
at least i tried...
Haha thnx for acting
But I think your blog too science leh. Many logic involved, you talk too scientific liao la. Maybe can start thinking the 'arts' way, then you can make ah seow "reflect" on himself
Maybe can start writing with your heart instead of your mind to put in more feelings in your words, then maybe it will become more interesting, more LIKE ME!!! HAHAHAHA...
k too buay yao bai liao...sori...
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